Warrior Run Woman's Club

  "Incorporating the boroughs, surrounding towns, and townships of the Warrior Run School District." 

Community Service Programs

Arts, Education & Culture

Our club specializes in promoting arts and education through National Library Week, teacher appreciation, and an Art/Literature Contest. The club sponsors three scholarships awarded to Warrior Run graduating seniors each year; medical, technical, and educational awards. We also sponsor a student to attend HOBY - Hugh O'Brian Youth Foundation,  and host RIF distribution (Reading Is Fundamental) twice a year.  Each student chooses a book, free of charge, to encourage reading and family time.  

Civic Engagement

Our women's club, active since 1973, has a long history of supporting the Warrior Run area. The Neighbors Helping Neighbors program was developed within our club, and we also work with the Montgomery House Library, Warrior Run Area Fire Department, and many other local outreach opportunities. We participate in and support both National Night Out and Santa's House as well as a variety of other events. We also have a membership with the Watsontown Area Business Association.


Events & Environment

We look for new and creative ways to support our commuity and one of our biggest fundraisers is at the Turbotville Community Carnival and the Warrior Run Carnival hosting basket raffles. Other events we host for fundraising is a daily lottery ticket sale for the month of November, Music in the Park Food Stand and food stands for auctions, and Avon fundraisers twice a year. As for our environment, we take care of the roadway between McEwensville and the railroad tracks in Watsontown (Route 44). We coordinate a litter pick up two or three times a year .

Warrior Run Woman's Club meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month from September thru May. Our meetings start at 7 pm and we gather at the Watsontown Historical Museum, Main Street in Watsontown.

Contact us

For more information or to get involved, please contact us through the form below.


Warrior Run Woman's Club
Watsontown, Pennsylvania, United States

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About us

Warrior Run Woman's Club has been a pillar of the Warrior Run Area communities since 1973, dedicated to providing educational support to our community. We believe in the power of education and community involvement to make a positive impact on people's lives.